Souksavanh T. Keovorabouth, Diné, Ph.D

Yá'át'ééh (Hello), 

Shí éí Souksavanh T. Keovorabouth yinishyé. Kinyaa'áanii nishłi. Nááts’ózí Bashishchiin. ‘Áshįįhi Dashicheii. Nááts’ózí dashinalí. I am of Towering House Clan, born for the Slanted Eye People, my maternal grandfather is of Salt People, and my paternal grandfather is of the Slanted Eye People.

I am an enrolled member of the Diné (Navajo) Nation and second-generation Laotian. I come from a lineage of survivors of the Navajo Long Walk, Native Boarding Schools, Relocation, Indian Placement Program, and Urbanization. Chinle, Arizona, USA is home but I was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. I am Queer, Trans, Two-Spirit, and Nadleeh and use They/Them or She/Her pronouns. I have listed publications, awards, and prior speaking engagements below. 

Two-Spirit Queer Historian on Book of Queer Documentary series on Discovery+ 

Looking forward to working with you,

Ahéhee' (Thank you)

Speaking Topics: Indigenous and Two-Spirit Identity, Indigenous Urbanization, Queer Masculinities, multiracialism, Intergenerational Healing, Black and Brown Inclusion, Mental Health, Queer/Indigenous Futurisms, and so much more . . . . . Let's talk :D  


Ph.D. in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies & Ph.D. Candidate 

I'm a Ph.D. student at Oregon State University in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with a minor in Queer Studies (Concentration Area is Indigenous Urban Studies) and a certificate in Geographic Information Sciences and I'm also a Cotutelle Ph.D. Candidate at Macquarie University in Indigenous Studies in Sydney, Australia. My current research is on Urbanization and Two-Spirit identity.

Masters of Arts 

I earned my Masters degree in American Indian Studies at the University of Arizona in 2019. My thesis titled: "Two-Spirit Identity Among Tribal Communities: The Effects of Intergenerational Trauma on Queer Native Young Adult Well-being," looked at overall well-being and intergenerational trauma of Queer Indigenous people in the USA.  

Bachelors of Science & Bachelors of Arts 

I received a dual Bachelors degree from the University of Arizona in Sustainable Built Environments and American Indian Studies in 2017. My undergraduate research relied on understanding accessibility to Native American centers, such as the Tucson Indian Center, for Indigenous people in urban areas.



Previous Speaking Engagements:

Teaching Experience:

September 2021 – December 2021

September 2021 – December 2021 

March 2021 – June 2021 

For Speaking Fees and Services Book a Consultation:  

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